Since starting at Trinity College in 2004, Quest已经培训了300多名学生领袖,在我们8月份的项目中为170多名一年级新生领导预培训项目. 学生领袖将学习可转移的领导技能,这些技能将随着时间的推移而发展,包括:决策技能, risk assessment, facilitation skills, 以及如何在欢迎新学员的同时有效地合作. 学生领导团队在项目的实施和成功中起着至关重要的作用.

Quest leadership positions are open to all current students.


  1. Wilderness First Aid Training (WFA)
  2. May – New Instructor Training held during Senior week
  3. 8月领导力发展培训——在Quest项目前一周举行
  4. Co-facilitate two Quest programs in August
  5. Quest项目汇报——在所有Quest项目返回校园后的第二天举行



Quest Leadership目前正在接受所有领导职位的申请, including Instructor Trainer, Logistic Coordinator, Instructor, and Logistics positions. 这些职位的申请是滚动的,培训师和后勤协调员的申请从11月到12月,12月到2月, 2023 for all other leader positions.

申请领导职位,请将申请发送至: [email protected]​ & Quin Woods
Position Descriptions
Below are the descriptions for the leadership positions.
  1. Trainer position description
  2. Logistics Coordinator/Climbing Specialist position description
  3. Instructor​​
  4. Logistics/Climbing Specialist

Quest Leader Application


These are the Trainers,

Feel free to email them with your questions!

Elise Casey (she/her)
Class of 2025, Elise is a rising junior from Avon Connecticut. She is majoring in Mathematics and Music. 在探索之外,伊莉斯是飞盘队的队长和教堂歌手的成员.“我是Quest第一年的参与者,并立即爱上了这个项目, the people, and the community it provided. 探索是我最喜欢的部分之一,我无法想象没有它我在这里的经历.”
Corinne Bolding (she/her)
Class of 202​4, Corinne is a rising senior from Northfield, Vermont. 她主修神经科学、经济学和城市研究. On campus, Corinne is a member of the Ice Hockey team, works in the Athletic Communication Department, 是全球十大网赌正规平台可持续发展委员会的学生代表. Since her freshman year, Corinne attributes Quest to be, “one of, if not the best part about my college experience. 这个项目吸引了喜欢冒险的人,并创造了这种真实的关系. I am incredibly grateful for the Quest program.” 
Ella Campopiano (she/her)
2024届毕业生,艾拉是纽约昆斯伯里即将升入高年级的学生. 她主修英美研究,主修文学,辅修写作和修辞学. On campus, 艾拉是全球十大网赌正规平台攀岩俱乐部的联合领导,并在酷儿资源中心和写作中心工作. 艾拉帮助娱乐部门计划和带领全球十大网赌正规平台的学生去罗姆尼攀岩, NH and New River Gorge, WV. Ella从大一开始就参加了Quest,担任后勤协调员. “Quest真的帮助我对全球十大网赌正规平台和户外活动有了新的认识. Quest社区是最支持和最善良的一群人, 我很感激能以这样一个精彩的项目结束我的学年.”
Pedro Mateo (he/him)
2025届毕业生,佩德罗是佛罗里达州伊莫卡利市即将升入大三的学生. 他主修经济学和西班牙研究双学位,辅修中文. On campus he is a sprinter on the Track & Field team, a student assistant for the Office of Financial Aid, member of the Trinity College Student Investment Fund, and member of several affinity/cultural clubs. (Athletes of Color Coalition, La Voz Latina, 有色人种联盟)尽管他并没有参加一个预培训项目, 佩德罗说,他想加入Quest是因为“我喜欢户外社区,也有机会让自己摆脱不适。. 我想成为一年级学生的导师,鼓励人们利用机会成长. 我喜欢在Quest中人们的支持,以及每个人如何带来独特的特质或特征,这增加了Quest的多样性和包容性.”
Dimosthenis Sampatakos (he/him)
Class of 2024, Dimos is a junior from Thessaloniki, Greece. 他的专业是生物学,辅修正式组织学和法语. Dimos is involved in running Intramural Sports, assists in research on campus, and is involved in club sports such as rock climbing. 他还将在明年担任跨学科科学第一年入门项目的第一年导师. Even though he was not a Quest participant his freshman year, 他知道他真的很想成为Quest的领导者,因为它有一个伟大的社区和它提供的机会. “I loved the idea of being a Quest leader, because of the strong bonds among the members of its community. 我真的很想帮助即将入学的一年级学生过渡到大学,同时也把他们介绍给Quest社区.”
Jay Pickering (he/him)
Class of 2025, Jay Pickering is a sophomore from Worcester, MA. 他主修公共政策,主修环境政策,辅修环境科学和意大利研究. Outside of classes, Jay is a member of the mock trial team, the rugby team, and is involved in Greek life. 他在大一的时候就参加了Quest,那时他就知道自己想成为一名领导者. “My leaders encouraged me to branch out and try new things. 正是因为他们,我才如此融入校园,我希望为新生提供同样的机会.”
Kathleen Casey (she/her)
Class of 2025, Kathleen is a Sophomore from Avon, Connecticut. She is majoring in Environmental Science and Music. 凯瑟琳参加了俱乐部飞盘、阿卡贝拉和联谊会. 凯思琳在大学一年级就参加了奎斯特,她立刻意识到自己想在全球十大网赌正规平台的整个时间里都参与到奎斯特社区中来. “Quest真的是校园里一个特别的地方,你可以在这里与来自校园各个角落的人进行深入的交流. 我和Quest社区里的人在这条路上建立的纽带真的很特别,在我大一以后一直陪伴着我. 我想在新生过渡到全球十大网赌正规平台的过程中,帮助他们营造一种欢迎的氛围和社区意识,并帮助他们建立持久的关系.”

Engineering the Future

通过结合工程、城市研究和帮助公共利益的愿景,小约瑟夫·奥罗斯科(Joseph Orosco, Jr .. ' 19致力于发现新的方式,使城市生活负担得起,可持续发展.